
Our Team

A Partnership of Old Friends and Successful Real Estate Professionals

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Noleian Reusse

Noleian is a proud Evanstonian with business experience all over Chicagoland. Well accustomed to earning the trust of clients as a small business owner, Noleian is a creative and insightful ally on your journey to a new home.

Joining the Allie + Julie team at Compass, Noleian underlines a trusted family approach, supporting his sister Allie on a successful Evanston team that has become almost synonymous with happy home buying and selling in Evanston and beyond.

In his free time you might find him throwing a frisbee with his Son or making music in his home studio.

Work With Us

Allie has built a reputation among clients for her creativity, attention to detail, and the ability to increase the marketability and aesthetic value of spaces while Julie has a passion to connect individuals with their dream homes, and helping clients have a positive selling experience. Together, they can help you find your dream home. Contact them today!

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